1908: New wagon bridge completed; John Hawley opens grocery store in Northern Hotel building; Kettle River Company incorporated; Sandstone Telephone Company phone book listed 138 telephones; Village ordered animals running loose to be put in village pound; Gus Moll narrowly  escaped being bitten in the face by a copperhead while working in the quarry; Kettle River Power Company completed new dam, capacity of 1000 horse power, downstream from old dam, Rotting train bridge repaired with steel

1909: Sandstone State Bank became the First National Bank of Sandstone; Englis Spring Water Company of Minneapolis purchased spring from Village of Sandstone, Later changed name to Sandstone Spring Water Company, Sandstone water bottled under copyright name of Minnepura Spring Water ; William Penn  Company purchased cut-stone operation in quarry ( Kettle River Quarries Company owned large share of Penn Company); New Larson Brothers Opera House opened; Voters made temperance group


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