I have been working on researching this architect Walter J Keith for the past month I would say.  I have been getting lots of information.  And have found a family tree, date of births and death dates.  I'm hoping to find a living relative.  But not a whole lot of luck with that.  However, I have been able to find a biography of Walter which is pretty interesting.  I've also been working on rewriting his house plans he wrote.  It's been a challenge figuring out what some of the pages say.  The first page of the plans look like they have been burned and water damaged.  I'll be sharing the biography and more updates soon.  So stay tuned!


  1. Great job! Looking forward to seeing this.

  2. Good morning, I am the editor of the North Pine County News, and I had just seen on Facebook that this is a blog about Sandstone and the happenings. I am hoping to find the writer of the blog and maybe do a little human interest story on the writer and the blog? If interested, please email or call (320) 384-6188. Thank you.


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