1889: Village of Sandstone incorporated; Eastern Railway of Minnesota completed, connecting Sandstone with the Twin Cities and Twin Ports; Mathew Bullis be came Eastern Railway depot agent;   Hinckley General Hospital opened Sandstone Branch; Sons of Temperance had 19 members; Enough "clear as crystal" ice taken out of Kettle River to last all summer; George Meader made trip to Hinckley on government road in record time of 50 minutes; Presbyterian Church built; Water reservoir completed .

1890: Ring and Tobin quarry employed 120 men; Micheal Ring elected Village council president; 19 business buildings on Merchants Hill; 21 students in school; Eastern Railway completed depot near St Paul and Duluth Railroad Crossing.

1891:Bank of Sandstone sold about three steamship tickets a day to residents to Bring foreign relatives to Sandstone; 63 students enrolled in school; Area forest fire burned for four days until it rained; Eileen Crowley, principal of Sandstone Public School died of typhoid fever; 21 freight trains passed through Sandstone in one day.

1892:Sandstone paving blocks for streets and curbs purchased by City of Minneapolis; 26 cars of Sandstone shipped in one day; Scandinavian Boarding House burns; Hinckley and Minneapolis physicians made house calls in Sandstone to treat cases of face poisoning, indigestible food and diphtheria.


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